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自由 门安卓版
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自由 门安卓版
自由 门安卓版
自由 门安卓版
CAF awarded São Paulo train maintenance contract
Second review of Transport for London’s financial options announced
All Urban transport news
Long Reads
Vietnam: Optimising infrastructure on Hanoi’s nascent network
Rio de Janeiro: Overcoming decades of inaction
Novosibirsk: Evolution in Siberia
Technology: Early diagnosis prevents bearing failure
All Long Reads
Comment & Analysis
2024-11-13T11:57:00+00:00By James Gooch
As more transport operators look to adopt Mobility as a Service business models, traditional fare collection technology could be holding them back.
Digitalisation strategies drive Smart Transit
2024-10-30T12:10:00+00:00By Dave Lustig
The SmartTransit conference, organised by SmartRail World, is taking place on October 28-30 in Los Angeles.
Comment: Safety first
2024-10-04T14:02:00+01:00By Karol Zemek
Will technology make travel safer? It certainly has the potential to do so, as recent developments in the tram sector have shown. Several manufacturers, including Bombardier, are developing tools that could help to prevent collisions and overspeed incidents.
Reshaping urban mobility
2024-07-01T09:14:00+01:00By greenⅴpn下载
The role of urban rail is changing with the market. Automation and connectivity look set to disrupt the traditional modes of public transport provision.
Learning to adapt in a multimodal transport era
2024-06-18T13:24:10+01:00By Benjámin Zelki
Among the main messages from the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2024 was that operators have to adapt to changing mobility needs as new modes emerge.
Next week, the international public transport community will come together in Stockholm for the UITP Global Public Transport Summit.
All Comment & Analysis